Monday, March 25, 2019

Low Battery

Santa brought the Rosebros new phones for Christmas. I think the phone he brought them was the Iphone X.  Santa also discovered that these new phones can be wirelessly charged. So in their stocking they also received a wireless charging stand.  Even with the wireless charger and the regular charging cord, the Rosebros find themselves often with a low battery or no charge at all on their phones.

Teenagers these days use their phones. A lot.  Not only do they text, SnapChat, Instagram and Youtube, they play games. But they also use the utilities on the phone more than old people, like me use. I often see them using their phone do help with math homework. They look up information online. They also use their phone for projects, the flashlight, music, and a host of other things that I have no idea that my phone can perform.

Having a low battery is just common.

I was complaining about this low battery to one Rosebro when he, in his very charming way, said, “But, Mom, this way I can plug my phone in and then plug in with you-spending some time with you.”  He always knows how to get out of trouble. But as he was talking about “plugging in” I thought about us and spring break.

We are so much like that Iphone. We are constantly multi tasking. We are constantly performing so many duties. We are up early, we stay up late, we google, we take pictures, we research, we communicate, and the list continues on and on.

Have a low batter is just common.

We must, in order to work properly, recharge. Sometimes it is easy to just set it up and let it charge wirelessly. But sometimes we need to plug in and recharge. I hope that you do one or maybe both next week.  I hope you charge up by resting or I hope you charge up by being plugged in.  I hope you plug in with others, or a hobby, or a great book, or friends.
Whatever you do, concentrate on you and finding that charge you need to get to the end of the school year.

The end of the school year is super close, but we need so much intense energy.  Spring break is that little gift to help get us ready.

Have a great one.

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